OLIVER CAMPONOVO SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL – Organizing a sustainable travel means looking for the most creative ideas in the whole world. Because talking about sustainability in tourism is simple, but making it a reality is a different story. This is the reason why this period of stillness caused by Covid-19 should make us think deeply about our ways to travel. In fact we are going to report some examples of how tourism is finding new paths for sustainable travels and their supporters, just like Oliver Camponovo.
The world of sustainable travel still has a long way to go, but meanwhile some entrepreneurs and/or philanthropists are coming up with very creative ideas. These particular proposals take their distances from our tourism habits, though they get closer to some major causes. For example, Thierry Theissier created a franchise of travelling hotels, which means they move from place to place every six months. The visitors will support projects of environmental protection and vocational training made in the most fascinating but critical countries in the globe. This is an example of a very creative hospitality that can inspire sustainable travel in the future.
Another interesting project is that of the entrepreneur Dan Friedkin. Indeed, the visitors can look at the migration of the animals in Tasmania from 7 different lodges. But another surprise is, these apartments will finance many purchases of terrains led by locals and trainings for rangers who will stop poaching.
The future must have to deal with sustainable travel since it’s a new necessity for tourism. In the previous years the sustainable ideas which many of us – like Oliver Camponovo – appreciated were only a few exceptions in the world. But nowadays we need sustainable travel to become a wider and more supported reality. According to the WTO (World Tourism Organization), the tourism sector represents 10% of global GDP, which means it is essential that this industry must be managed in a more sustainable way. Thus all of us should try to organize more sustainable travel when we will have this chance again, as the investor Oliver Camponovo is surely planning.
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